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Mark Gibson has had a long mental health journey marked by living with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, depression and, following a motorcycle accident, complex post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
He finds going for walks along the beach to be a grounding and gratifying experience; feeling the sand on the soles of his feet, closing his eyes, and listening to the sound of the ocean and his works have a resounding sense of hope and light amongst the dark.
Mark moved from Bundaberg to the Gold Coast a few years ago and through connecting with support groups and eventually an all-abilities art studio, he has been painting prolifically and entering many exhibitions - including Recovered Futures for the third time in 2024.
Inspired by the heart and the force of nature, The New Day captures an autism spectrum disorder vision of curiosity. It transports you to a dreamlike state, altering your perspective despite life’s noise.
Walking on soft sand along the shoreline, with fresh saltwater cleansing your feet, grounds you to Mother Earth. This blend of sand and saltwater dissolves anxiety, reconnecting you with creativity. The name symbolises the ocean and sunrise's connection to the boat resting in the sand dunes.