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Alison is primarily a printmaker and ink artist exploring reality and the way we express it through narrative-based artworks.
In 2016, while studying digitally based self-referential imagery within online world game spaces for a Masters of Art in Visual Art, she was diagnosed with obsessive compulsive personality disorder, anxiety, depressive episodes and obsessive perfectionism.
After completing her studies, this diagnosis and subsequent treatment led her art practice in an introspective direction and landed in a solo exhibition examining the mental struggle mindscape.
To this day, she is still examining stories of the mental mindscape through narrative artworks while running a busy gallery on the north side of Brisbane/Meanjin.
Follow Alison on Instagram and Facebook.
She Fell is a lino print I created in order to visualise the slide and spiral downwards into a mental health episode where you know you are falling but you are unable to do anything but descend.