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Raffaella was born in Rome, Italy and studied at the Institute of Fine Arts for five (5) years in Graphic Design with an Advanced Diploma.
Raffaella has a predilection for coloured pencils, pastels, acrylic and oil but is always willing to adapt.
Her work represents foresight, wisdom and prudence in preserving the secrets of the soul, often too precious to be disturbed and she believes nature is the only one who knows how to listen to our deepest desires.
She draws inspiration from both nature and animals and these are recurring themes throughout her works.
Growing up she met the darkness in her mother's eyes, the same darkness that swallowed her sister by tearing her out of the light of life.
Follow Raffaella on Instagram.
The change of seasons can be compared to changes in our life - transformation, the cure of pain through rebirth and the memories that remain hidden under a blanket of snow.