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Nada Kezu is an artist based in Melbourne/Naarm, but spent her teenage years on the Gold Coast, Queensland and describes that period as a confusing time, navigating her way through depression, using substances to cope.
At the age of 27 Nada took positive steps forward and enrolled in CATC Design College in Melbourne. It was during this time Nada experienced a life-changing event that severed 90% of her nerves in her right arm which meant she would spend many years recovering from this, in the grips of addiction.
In 2018, Nada sought help from a support group for her addiction and has been sober for six (6) years. Within this time Nada began to paint to express her experiences.
Follow Nada on Instagram.
I created this piece as part of a collection of works exploring the transformation of grief into hope and rebirth. In active addiction there is this armour that goes up, which does not allow the sadness to come. In my recovery I started to feel the whole gamut of human emotion which I now know is necessary to heal. Vulnerability is strength.