"Initially I was difficult and resistant - I didn't want to take medication and I didn't want to make changes to help my mental health, but that didn't really work, so then I started learning about self-care and how to manage difficult thoughts."
“I think it was sink or swim and I didn’t want to live like that anymore. It took a lot of strength to make that choice and there have been many ups and downs.”
“Everyone who was my closest people just went. I was confronted with new people and the whole experience was confronting and terrifying, wonderful and scary.”
Spending his formative years in theturbulenttown of Rotorua, New Zealand, Pauly Jay is quick to admit life could have turned out very differently for him.
I follow my intuition because it’s led me to this really good place. Even when I was in my darkest of moments, intuition led me out. My higher self, my angels, always with me and guiding me.
I can allow the difficulties to come and go without judgement and just be in the moment. Not worry about tomorrow or yesterday, just today, be grateful I got to wake up this morning.
With creativity in his bones, Andrew has loved making art his whole life.Yetit’s only been in recent years he has felt comfortable calling himself an artist.