Sponsorship opportunities are now available for the 2025 Recovered Futures Art Exhibition.
Align your business with an iconic charity event and respected Art Exhibition.

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A mainstay on the Brisbane art calendar for over 30 years and major Queensland Mental Health Week event, the Recovered Futures Art Exhibition will be held in October in King George Square. The curated exhibition is a major charity event, displaying more than 250 artworks by artists with lived mental ill health experience.

The event offers great benefits to sponsors, including improved brand image through event co-branding with a highly regarded and leading Queensland community mental health provider and increased brand awareness via sponsor recognition, such as exposure to over 10,000 exhibition attendees and 16,000 visitors to our online store. Sponsors also receive an exclusive opportunity to purchase artwork before the event opens.

A man and woman look upon and brightly coloured abstract painting.

Pictured: A guest examines the artwork closely at the 2024 Recovered Futures Art Exhibition Opening event.

Support an event with purpose

Every exhibiting artist of the Recovered Futures Art Exhibition has lived mental ill health experience, either through their own direct personal experience or in their role as a carer or family member.

Each artwork sold delivers 85 per cent of the proceeds directly to the artist and in 2024, sales exceeded $72,000. While the exhibition provides a meaningful opportunity for artists to sell artwork, its real value in terms of what it provides to the individual cannot be measured. Creating art is a powerful component of the healing journey for exhibiting artists.

For more information about the event's impact and to view the sponsorship opportunities, read the Sponsorship Prospectus. 

Click here to read the Sponsorship Prospectus

To become a sponsor or for more information, contact Tea Delalic, Manager Communications and Events on 07 3363 2555 or tea.delalic@rfq.com.au