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Mia grew up in Germany and moved with her husband and young son to Australia in 2005. She left her family behind to support her partner’s dream to work and live in Australia and as a family loved Sydney so much they called it their home and became Australian citizens with their family.
During the COVID pandemic Mia's marriage took a drastic turn. She experienced an intensive toxic relationship. The ongoing battle and confusion she experienced as part of this turmoil brought on her first experience of mental health challenges resulting in hospitalisation and ongoing treatment.
Art has helped her to experience the beginning of healing. It brings back the light and colours of life after long darkness.
I was always drawn to these amazing flowers and observed them growing from seeds. Why couldn’t I grow up this fast?
In the morning the flowers greeted the sun and followed the movement. Next morning they were back to greet the sun again. Nature is just full of wonders.
Picking the seeds from the sunflower heads, putting them into my mouth to taste the nuttiness was wonderfully delicious and left me warming up inside from it.