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Brisbane/Meanjin based artist, Serpent's Sun, creates vivid, illustrative artworks of fantasy worlds in watercolour and pens. They love to bring worlds to life filled with magic and fantasy, worlds to escape the rush of modern life, worlds to escape the mundane.
Serpent's Sun uses art as a form of therapy and enjoyment. Most of their works are unplanned, letting feeling guide them in how an artwork comes together. Having been surrounded by mental health challenges their whole life they've learnt to use art to help them maintain a healthy mind.
Follow Serpent's Sun on Instagram and Facebook.
The crows look forward together, taking in the scenery around them. Having a momentary rest on their journey allows them to see ahead, to let their path take shape.
Rest is crucial, even in our busiest moments we cannot keep pushing forward unless we stop and allow ourselves to rest and to appreciate the journey.