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With a Bachelor of Creative Industries with Honours in Fine Painting, Emma laid a foundation for a lifetime of art creation. She taught and led the art experience program at Sydney Children’s Hospital for many years and has immersed herself as part of arts in health programs and exhibitions in both Sydney and Brisbane/Meanjin.
Her work explores the use of colour as therapy and catharsis, touching on relatable themes and delightful visuals. Emma's work is an exploration of the mind when people offer their unsolicited and ill-informed advice. The titles of the pieces are meant to satirise, but also evoke thought and introspection.
The work aims to provide a voice for those who too often are ignored, dismissed and disbelieved.
Follow Emma on Instagram.
Many people experience invisible struggles that are misunderstood by those on the outside. Even well-meaning loved ones often offer unhelpful advice, lacking the understanding or vocabulary to truly support someone facing mental health challenges.
My work explores the frustration and isolation that comes when unsolicited, ill-informed advice is given. Through satirical titles, I aim to provoke thought and give a voice to those who are often dismissed.